Mon Voyage A CBB



Bonjour je suis Jeremy et je vais parler de mon voyage a CBB.  


              LE PREMIERE JOUR                   


Le premier jour j’étais très nerveux mais c’était assez de fun. Il pleuvait et on a juste fait comme un “icebreaker” et beaucoup de gens qui étaient des “A boys” comme moi étaient plus vieux que moi.  Et j’étais assez content parce-se-que j’avais 3 amis que venais avec moi les amis était: Nathan Lesser,  Jonas Prehogan, et Aviv Zaltsberg. Je manque mes parents.  Donc ça c’est pourquoi cette soirée j’ai pleuré.   


                      LE DEUXIÈME JOUR                    


          Quand je me suis levé le lendemain c’était exactement 7:12 le matin on as fais des activités dans une tente parce qu’ il pleuvait. Ce soir il était samedi face c’était shabbat j’avais vraiment hâte parce-ce-que le shabbat a CBB est tellement amusant! C’est le soir, on marche dans un building pour regarder le petit “skit” des moniteurs. C’était vraiment drôle ils ont fait des choses comme “B girls be like when playing basketball” C’était une comédie de qualité. 




                       LE TROISIÈME JOUR 

(le dernier que je vais faire au jour d’hui)


Quand je me suis levé ce matin, mes amis ont joué aux cartes sur un des bunk. Donc je suis sorti de mon bunk et je l’ai jointe. 

On a joué à “war” à trois personnes. C’était vraiment le fun, on avait un “war” a trois personne et on a un DOUBLE war a trois personnes et j’ai gagné!!  Mes amis m’ont dit que j’étais vraiment chanceux quand on a commencé la journée on a fait des activités que je voulais faire pour des années! Ça s’appelle “waterfront” en promises J’ai fait du paddleboard avec Jonas et on ne pouvait pas bien tourner donc il fallait que des moniteurs avec un canoë nous aient sauvés. Et là on va au CANTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Mois j’ai pris:


Slushie, Mike and Ikes, et des Pringles.

Ce soir j’ai dormi comme un enfant normal. Et ouais je pense que j’ai fini.




Hello I’m Jeremy and I’m going to talk about my trip to CBB.


                         THE FIRST DAY


The first day I was very nervous but it was fun enough. It was raining and we just did like an “icebreaker” and a lot of people who were “A boys” like me were older than me. And I was quite happy because I had 3 friends that came with me. The friends were: Nathan Lesser, Jonas Prehogan, and Aviv Zaltsberg. I miss my parents. Do this that’s why tonight I cried.


                      THE SECOND DAY


          When I got up the next day it was exactly 7:12 in the morning. We did activities in a tent because it was raining. Tonight was Saturday opposite it was shabbat. I was really looking forward to it because shabbat at CBB is so much fun! It’s the evening, we walk in a building to watch the little “skit” of the councelors. It was really funny they were doing things like “B girls be like when playing basketball” It was quality comedy.




                               THE THIRD DAY

         (the last one I will do today)


When I got up this morning, my friends were playing cards on one of the bunks. So I came out of my bunk and joined her.

We played “war” with three people. It was really fun, we had a three person “war” and we had a three person DOUBLE war and I won!! My friends told me that I was really lucky when we started the day we did activities that I wanted to do for YEARS! It was called “waterfront” I LOVED IT. I paddleboarded with Jonas and we couldn’t turn well because instructors with a canoe had to save us. And there we go to the CANTEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is what I took:


Slushie, mike and ikes, and pringles.

Tonight I slept like a normal child. And yeah I think I’m done.


So Jacob has just left his home leaving for Charan.  he walks for about 1 and a half hours and he’s already sweating and getting really hot.  His cantine is running out.   He takes his last sip and then his cantine is empty.

Thankfully, he finds a pond and dips his cantine in and takes a big sip.

But he’s still hungry..

After a few hours of walking he finds a merchant he asks the merchant what food he has to offer. The merchant tells him he has a warm soup and some bread Jacob immidietly takes his offer and buys it for 5 Shekels and eats it.

After a few hours of walking he finds a grassy area and dicides to sleep under the shade of a tree. He wakes up a few hours later to find a camel with a man riding it near him.  He runs over to the man and he asks the man for a ride to Charan but the man can’t.  He says he is going to a nearby town in the oposite direction.

Jacob is devistated to hear this news.  But then Jacob realizes that hes still quite hungry so he asks the man if he has any leftover food he tells him he has some Bread and Jacob takes his offer. The man says he could have it for 3 Shekels Jacob gives him the money and keeps on walking in the direction of Charan.

He finshes his bread and meets a man whith a camel on a leash while walking in the direction of charan.  The man whith a camel tells him he’s going to the city next to Charan and Jacob tells him that he is going to charan and asks him if he can can get a ride to Charan on his camel.  The man asks how many miles is it from where they are Jacob responds that there are 5 miles left and the man tells him he can only get him as far as 4 miles the man tells jacob that it’s free and the camel brings them on a 4 mile ride.


once they’ve traveled for four miles they say goodbye and depart in different directions jacob walks the last mile in peace and then he arrives to charan. The End.

Mon Projet Sur Les Haïdas-Reflection #1

Je viens de commencer un projet en équipe de 2

Je me sens excité parce que J’aime mon partenaire.

J’ai commencé à travailler avec mon équipe et j’aimerais partager mes 1.observations: Mon partenaire m’aide beaucoup et nous traivaillons vraiment bien ensemlbe. 

2. Moi et mon partenaire etais dejas des bons amie fait-que ca m’aide parce ce que c’est plus facille de lui parlé.